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Israel caugh spying on Trump but he seems OK with it...


I'm too lazy to set a usertitle.
Israel accused of planting spy devices near the White House

The likely Israeli spying efforts were uncovered during the Trump presidency, several former top U.S. officials said

The U.S. government concluded within the past two years that Israel was most likely behind the placement of cellphone surveillance devices that were found near the White House and other sensitive locations around Washington, according to three former senior U.S. officials with knowledge of the matter.
But unlike most other occasions when flagrant incidents of foreign spying have been discovered on American soil, the Trump administration did not rebuke the Israeli government, and there were no consequences for Israel’s behavior, one of the former officials said.

The miniature surveillance devices, colloquially known as “StingRays,” mimic regular cell towers to fool cellphones into giving them their locations and identity information. Formally called international mobile subscriber identity-catchers or IMSI-catchers, they also can capture the contents of calls and data use.
The devices were likely intended to spy on President Donald Trump, one of the former officials said, as well as his top aides and closest associates — though it’s not clear whether the Israeli efforts were successful.

Trump is reputed to be lax in observing White House security protocols. POLITICO reported in May 2018 that the president often used an insufficiently secured cellphone to communicate with friends and confidants. The New York Times subsequently reported in October 2018 that “Chinese spies are often listening” to Trump’s cellphone calls, prompting the president to slam the story as “so incorrect I do not have time here to correct it.” (A former official said Trump has had his cellphone hardened against intrusion.)
By then, as part of tests by the federal government, officials at the Department of Homeland Security had already discovered evidence of the surveillance devices around the nation’s capital, but weren’t able to attribute the devices to specific entities. The officials shared their findings with relevant federal agencies, according to a letter a top Department of Homeland Security official, Christopher Krebs, wrote in May 2018 to Sen. Ron Wyden (D-Ore.).
Based on a detailed forensic analysis, the FBI and other agencies working on the case felt confident that Israeli agents had placed the devices, according to the former officials, several of whom served in top intelligence and national security posts.

That analysis, one of the former officials said, is typically led by the FBI’s counterintelligence division and involves examining the devices so that they “tell you a little about their history, where the parts and pieces come from, how old are they, who had access to them, and that will help get you to what the origins are.” For these types of investigations, the bureau often leans on the National Security Agency and sometimes the CIA (DHS and the Secret Service played a supporting role in this specific investigation).
“It was pretty clear that the Israelis were responsible,” said a former senior intelligence official.

An Israeli Embassy spokesperson, Elad Strohmayer, denied that Israel placed the devices and said: “These allegations are absolute nonsense. Israel doesn’t conduct espionage operations in the United States, period.”
A senior Trump administration official said the administration doesn’t “comment on matters related to security or intelligence.” The FBI declined to comment, while DHS and the Secret Service didn’t respond to requests for comment.
After this story was published, Trump told reporters that he would find it "hard to believe" that the Israelis had placed the devices.
"I don't think the Israelis were spying on us," Trump said. "My relationship with Israel has been great...Anything is possible but I don't believe it."
Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu also denied after publication that Israel was behind the devices. "We have a directive, I have a directive: No intelligence work in the United States, no spies," he said in a gaggle with reporters. "And it's vigorously implemented, without any exception. It [the report] is a complete fabrication, a complete fabrication."

But former officials with deep experience dealing with intelligence matters scoff at the Israeli claim — a pro forma denial Israeli officials are also known to make in private to skeptical U.S. counterparts.
One former senior intelligence official noted that after the FBI and other agencies concluded that the Israelis were most likely responsible for the devices, the Trump administration took no action to punish or even privately scold the Israeli government.
“The reaction ... was very different than it would have been in the last administration,” this person said. “With the current administration, there are a different set of calculations in regard to addressing this.”
The former senior intelligence official criticized how the administration handled the matter, remarking on the striking difference from past administrations, which likely would have at a very minimum issued a démarche, or formal diplomatic reprimand, to the foreign government condemning its actions.
“I’m not aware of any accountability at all,” the former official said.

Trump often claims Obama was wire-tapped him during his campaign, without any fact to prove that claim right. But when presented with evidence, found by the US government, that the Israeli government has been spying on him, he says he finds it "hard to believe".
I think he knows it's true but doesn't care 'cause he thinks Netanyahu is his friend but the truth is he's Netanyahu's bitch


Hiliary 2020
Netanyahu is his friend but the truth is he's Netanyahu's bitch

Ok Netanyahoo is Israel. So if Trump is his bitch then he's Israels bitch.
I agree but I don't think Trump thinks he's is friend, I think he knows that he's his boss.

So let me ask? If Trump is Netanyahoo's bitch then why isn't any other politician, so called journalist or "news" company, or anybody with a loud voice coming out and saying it?

I'll tell you why, because they are all Israels bitch.
Israel is backed by the banks who control everybodys currency and economies. They are the top dogs and they own everything and everybody.
And Israel is their baby. Remember when England illegally gave Palestine to "Jewish People" back in 1918 the document was written to the head of the biggest banking family in the world. They basically gave Palestine which is now Israel to the banks.
And I don't even think these people are real jews in a religious sense, they just hijacked the religion.

Anyway the entire US Government as well as most European governments are Israels bitch, but in reality they are the central banks bitch.
Its all about money.


I can use Pornography in a sentence!
I suspect this stuff is going on all the time, but doesn't normally get found out


God damn it, Baconsalt!
It is against the interests of Israel to be caught in such an act.

Alliance parties must respect each other.


God damn it, Baconsalt!
How? Israel does what it wants with no repercussions ever.

If that's the case, then Israeli decision-makers must learn to be more humble.

If white people like President Trump are offering them help, they should be grateful.



I'm too lazy to set a usertitle.
If that's the case, then Israeli decision-makers must learn to be more humble.
Or maybe US decision makers shouldn't be that obsequious towards Israel. I think some US lawmaker said something like that a few weeks ago...
Oh yeah, her name was Ilhan Omar and for that comment, she got accused of being an anti-semite by both GOP and her own party.

assari;10623794If white people like President Trump are offering them help said:
What ? What does race have to do here ?


God damn it, Baconsalt!
Or maybe US decision makers shouldn't be that obsequious towards Israel. I think some US lawmaker said something like that a few weeks ago...
Oh yeah, her name was Ilhan Omar and for that comment, she got accused of being an anti-semite by both GOP and her own party.

What ? What does race have to do here ?

Arabs and Jews are eternal enemies and no peace treaty will change that.

President Trump is caucasian and Jews are half black people.

Why this thing needs to be mentioned is because God created caucasians as leaders.


Hiliary 2020
Arabs and Jews are eternal enemies and no peace treaty will change that.

President Trump is caucasian and Jews are half black people.

Why this thing needs to be mentioned is because God created caucasians as leaders.


Jeez assari where are you getting this stuff from?

Muslims, Jews, and even Christians lived together in Palestine for a long time. After WWI when England illegally "gave" part of Palestine to Baron Rothschild to be "A natural home for the Jewish people" and more Jews came to the area there was still peace. They lived together. They worked together. They watched each others children.
It wasn't until 1947/48 when soldiers went door to door pointing guns in Palestinian peoples faces and ordering them to leave their homes (especially the nice big homes) and threatening that if they didn't leave they would be shot is when the problems began.
What the fuck would anyone expect at that point?
They stole the homes and properties of Palestinians and gave them to Jews. Especially rich jews, and government and military jews.
Some Jewish people even refused these homes bacause stealing their neighbors homes didn't sit right with them.

So that is when the problems began. And how many people in the past 70 or so years have suffered and died over this?
Then look at how much Palestinian territory has been taken , stolen, since then?
Can anyone seriously say Jews have been the victims in all this?
Can anyone seriously wonder why this has caused problems?

The whole "Jews and Arabs have been at war forever"bullshit is bullshit. Its not true. Its propaganda.
The usual typical propaganda designed to make jews the victims when in reality the Israeli government has been the aggressor and victimizer since the late 1940's.
Educate yourself man.

"jews are half black people"
Say Whaaaaaaaa?
Most Jewish people alive today genetically speaking are almost all of European descent.


God damn it, Baconsalt!

Jeez assari where are you getting this stuff from?

Muslims, Jews, and even Christians lived together in Palestine for a long time. After WWI when England illegally "gave" part of Palestine to Baron Rothschild to be "A natural home for the Jewish people" and more Jews came to the area there was still peace. They lived together. They worked together. They watched each others children.
It wasn't until 1947/48 when soldiers went door to door pointing guns in Palestinian peoples faces and ordering them to leave their homes (especially the nice big homes) and threatening that if they didn't leave they would be shot is when the problems began.
What the fuck would anyone expect at that point?
They stole the homes and properties of Palestinians and gave them to Jews. Especially rich jews, and government and military jews.
Some Jewish people even refused these homes bacause stealing their neighbors homes didn't sit right with them.

So that is when the problems began. And how many people in the past 70 or so years have suffered and died over this?
Then look at how much Palestinian territory has been taken , stolen, since then?
Can anyone seriously say Jews have been the victims in all this?
Can anyone seriously wonder why this has caused problems?

The whole "Jews and Arabs have been at war forever"bullshit is bullshit. Its not true. Its propaganda.
The usual typical propaganda designed to make jews the victims when in reality the Israeli government has been the aggressor and victimizer since the late 1940's.
Educate yourself man.

"jews are half black people"
Say Whaaaaaaaa?
Most Jewish people alive today genetically speaking are almost all of European descent.

I believe that on an individual level Arabs and Jews can be friends, but as you mentioned after 1948 there has been no peace between them for many reasons and decades of hostility has created a cycle of hatred that cannot be stopped anymore.

Maybe the Jews have some very important reason why they have conquered certain areas, but it's something that others can't influence or even know why they did it.

Jews who have born in the Middle East look pretty dark, but the color of the skin may vary.



Hiliary 2020
I believe that on an individual level Arabs and Jews can be friends, but as you mentioned after 1948 there has been no peace between them for many reasons and decades of hostility has created a cycle of hatred that cannot be stopped anymore.

Maybe the Jews have some very important reason why they have conquered certain areas, but it's something that others can't influence or even know why they did it.

Jews who have born in the Middle East look pretty dark, but the color of the skin may vary.



Oh jeez. The guy pictured is obviously of Sub Saharan African descent and not Middle Eastern or North African.
But yes there are certain groups of Jews whose ancestors originally came from that specific area who share the same types of DNA as many other groups of people from that area. That goes way back before religion was a thing. So yeah there are dark skinned jews that look the same as many types of Arabs, Egyptians, Turks, ect. No question about it.

Again I reject the "Never will be peace" stuff. Shit they fought together for hundreds of years against Christians during the many Crusades.
If Israelis stops taking land that isnt theirs and stop treating the native Palestinians like sub humans their will be peace.
That will probably never happen so in that sense you are correct, there never will be peace.

Maybe the Jews have some very important reason why they have conquered certain areas, but it's something that others can't influence or even know why they did it.

Yeah thats fucking interesting man. They only have "conquered" the areas of Palestine which is now called Israel.
They did this with the backing of mainly the US and England because the banking cartels which own those 2 countries ordered them to do so.
There doesn't seem to be an official story of why it was taken. Of why that specific area had to be occupied by Jews.

Read the section titled Zionism and British Mandate



Be careful what you wish for, it might come true!
God created caucasians as leaders.


I suspect this stuff is going on all the time, but doesn't normally get found out


How? Israel does what it wants with no repercussions ever.

Not the case. Reagan for instance punished Israel a number of times for acts he considered counter to U.S. interests.
And obviously Obama wasn't willing to bend over for everything Bibi wanted.


Less than 2,000 posts away from my free Freeones T-shirt.
Are you serious? Now that it's under Trump's admin. this is a problem? C'mon people, I know even retard libs ain't that dumb. ...or are they? Here's my take on the matter



God damn it, Baconsalt!

Oh jeez. The guy pictured is obviously of Sub Saharan African descent and not Middle Eastern or North African.
But yes there are certain groups of Jews whose ancestors originally came from that specific area who share the same types of DNA as many other groups of people from that area. That goes way back before religion was a thing. So yeah there are dark skinned jews that look the same as many types of Arabs, Egyptians, Turks, ect. No question about it.

Again I reject the "Never will be peace" stuff. Shit they fought together for hundreds of years against Christians during the many Crusades.
If Israelis stops taking land that isnt theirs and stop treating the native Palestinians like sub humans their will be peace.
That will probably never happen so in that sense you are correct, there never will be peace.

Maybe the Jews have some very important reason why they have conquered certain areas, but it's something that others can't influence or even know why they did it.

Yeah thats fucking interesting man. They only have "conquered" the areas of Palestine which is now called Israel.
They did this with the backing of mainly the US and England because the banking cartels which own those 2 countries ordered them to do so.
There doesn't seem to be an official story of why it was taken. Of why that specific area had to be occupied by Jews.

Read the section titled Zionism and British Mandate


I meant that if a black Jew who living in the Middle-East had a child the child would be jet black.

Middle Eastern history is so confused that such Arab / Jewish vs. Christian enmity is very possible.

Yes, and this topic has been talked about frequently:

Why the State of Israel was founded in the middle of the Arab States in 1948?

It wasn't the best solution, but since many Jews live in that area, it was probably the most logical place. :dunno:

"The Third (1919–23) and Fourth Aliyahs (1924–29) brought an additional 100,000 Jews to Palestine"

(Wikipedia, Zionism and British Mandate)


This type of population transfer has certainly caused hostility between Arabs and Jews.


God damn it, Baconsalt!

Jesus was Aryan so I guess it's clear what this means.

White people must be leaders, but they must be fair leaders and minority opinions must also be taken into account if it does not threaten democracy.


(Jesus Christ)


God damn it, Baconsalt!
Jesus was Aryan so I guess it's clear what this means.

White people must be leaders, but they must be fair leaders and minority opinions must also be taken into account if it does not threaten democracy.

Clarification: I meant that whites must be leaders in Caucasian countries like Finland, Denmark and Norway.

Countries like Italy, Irak and Zambia where most of the inhabitants are dark-skinned must be led by colored people.