FreeOnes Interview: Jane Burgess (Full Transcript)

29 de março de 2016, por Steve

So last week we snagged an exclusive video interview with the marvellous Jane Burgess, which you can watch here or talk about with other like-minded fappers on the FreeOnes Board here.

But hey. In the spirit added accessibility, or for those of you with limited bandwidth, I’ve even gone and transcribed the whole darn thing for you. Because that’s the kind of guy I am, I’ve told you before.

Here goes.


“Hello my FreeOnes friends!

So, I’m gonna do another interview for you and I kinda like this one as I thought I would film it rather than just answering the questions, so I don’t know. Yay, now you can see me on film! Which I don’t do a whole lot.

So, let’s look at these questions.

What have I been doing since my last FreeOnes interview?

Oh my gosh, I’ve been doing a whole bunch of stuff. I opened a cam studio, which is like a physical cam studio where other girls work at. I’ve just done a bunch of projects and I’ve been kinda sick on and off. You know, I told you guys that in the FreeOnes Blog that I was sick, so they figured out it was a thyroid problem. Which is how I got these boobs. I’m just going to throw that in by myself. Erm, people always ask me if I have had boob implants and I have not.

Thyroid kinda caused me to gain some weight, and in the process of that I find out that I actually kinda liked having a curvier body. You know, I have hips and oh my God I have boobs, so…. ugh, I’m going on thyroid meds and I’ve been working out and stuff so my goal is to get more tone and stuff. I don’t want to lose a lot of weight, maybe like 10lbs and I definitely don’t want to lose these.

So, that’s what I’ve been doing since 2012.

Do my close friends and family know about my naughty life online?

Yes. The worst thing you could ever do is try to lie about it or hide it. Every single person I have ever met that has tried to hide it always gets busted. You cannot do photo shoots, you cannot do videos, you can’t set up a website and you can’t cam without someone telling your family. So it’s better if you just tell them yourself. It saves you from being an outcast or having a super pissed off family.

Has anybody ever recognised you in public?

Yeah, they have, but you know everybody is usually pretty cool about it. People usually come up and say “Hi!” rather than “Oh my god, it’s you!” because I think you guys generally understand this is just my job and stuff, you know.

Does being in adult complicate your normal life?

Honestly, I’ve been in adult for so long I don’t even know what a ‘normal life’ is. To me, this IS a normal life! Does anybody have a normal life?

Do you have any idols or role models within the industry?

There are people I admire and like in the industry, but I don’t think I have anyone I regard as a role model. I respect people in the industry who work hard and have a great work ethic. To me, it doesn’t matter how much money or how successful you are, if you have a shitty attitude then I won’t have much time for you.

Do you have crushes on any other adult performers?

I don’t! There are guys and girls I think are hot but not really crushes. I like Johnny Depp and Ryan Reynolds, but nobody really within the industry.

What would a typical day for me be like?

Really boring! I think because I’m in porn people think my life is all parties but it really isn’t. I have the same home life as anyone else – I watch a lot of Netflix and do the usual stuff. I really like Supernatural, The Walking Dead and House Of Cards, so that’s really my home life!

If you could climb on top of anyone right now and give them the ride of their life, who would it be?

Errrr, I don’t know! My mind went blank as soon as you asked that question! It’s like in school where the teacher points you out and asks you something! I would say my man because I’m very loyal and it’s who I want to be with.

Is it true I have 99 sex toys?

No! I have a 104 sex toys! I like sex toys and I have some right here under my desk. What can I say, I like sex toys and fucking and they’re fun to play with! I also like leaving round the house when people come over to see how embarrassed they get.

Out of those toys, what is your favourite go-to toy?

It’s a hard question to answer when you have 104 sex toys! I guess I prefer glass toys because plastic ones can cause an allergic reaction and that’s never fun!

What turns me on instantly?

Intelligence! I don’t care how cute you are, if you don’t know anything about what’s going on in the world and can’t carry a conversation or are just kinda stupid, then you’re not going to turn me on! I like intelligent people.

Are there any sexual fantasies you’d like to fulfil?

No, not really. In this job I’m lucky to get paid to do what I like but I’ve pretty much done them all. If there is anything that I think of though, I’ll let you know!

Debunk the myth for us – penis size: is bigger better?

Errrrrm, wow. I don’t think bigger is necessarily better. You can have a big dick and stick it in there and think that’s enough but it’s not. I’m all about technique and whether you have a connection with another person. I don’t want too small but I’m happy with a medium size kinda 6 or 7 inch, maybe?

What was the best sex you ever had?

I guess it was when I was about 22 and the guy was drunk. I know it sounds funny, but it was really rough and he choked me and pushed me against the wall and it was really hot. I guess that’s when I discovered I liked sex like that, you know, having my clothes ripped off and stuff like that. And that’s why I’ve done it like that ever since!

 If you can choose a mutant superpower to have, what would you pick?

I didn’t see that question coming! Orgasm Woman! The ability to make people cum by just looking in their eyes. Orgasms make everything fell better!

Do I have any interesting hobbies?

No. I wish I could tell you I sky dive or something but I don’t. I’m scared of heights anyway. I like to garden, read and swim. Just normal stuff like that.

What’s my favourite food?

Anything with potatoes! I don’t care what kind of potatoes they are – fried, baked, mashed, I just love potatoes!

What kind of music do you listen to?

Alternative rock kind of stuff. Tool, Depeche Mode, Soundgarden, Linkin Park – that kind of genre.

Do you have any future ambitions you’d like to accomplish?

I’m finishing up my degree in forensic science. When I finish with this, I want to work in a lab examining DNA strands and that kind of thing. It’s incredibly important work that not enough people do and it’s something that I’m interested in and would love to work in.

Is there anything else you would like FreeOnes visitors to know about you?

Just….I’m normal! I’m just a normal person who got into a unique job. Not on purpose, I got into it via working at Hooters. Someone asked me to do some bondage work after some shoots after that, and I still do some to this day. I still do some to this day, I like the intricacy and hardness of it. That’s what I want people to know about me – and that my titties are real and that I like what I do and it’s fun to talk to you guys!

I guess I’ll speak to you guys on the forum!”


She will indeed! Thank you, Jane, for an excellent interview!

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