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America at war with Iran by September ?


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Donald Trump could be ready to order a strike against Iran, Australian Government figures say

Senior figures in the Turnbull Government have told the ABC they believe the United States is prepared to bomb Iran's nuclear facilities, perhaps as early as next month, and that Australia is poised to help identify possible targets.

It comes amid intense sabre-rattling by US President Donald Trump and his Iranian counterpart Hassan Rouhani.

ABC has been told Australian defence facilities would likely play a role in identifying targets in Iran, as would British intelligence agencies.
But a senior security source emphasised there was a big difference between providing accurate intelligence and analysis on Iran's facilities and being part of a "kinetic" mission.
"Developing a picture is very different to actually participating in a strike," the source said.
"Providing intelligence and understanding as to what is happening on the ground so that the Government and allied governments are fully informed to make decisions is different to active targeting."

Prime Minister Malcolm Turnbull said this morning he had no reason to believe the US was preparing for a military confrontation.

"President Trump has made his views very clear to the whole world, but this story … has not benefited from any consultation with me, the Foreign Minister, the Defence Minister or the Chief of the Defence Force," he said.

The top-secret Pine Gap joint defence facility in the Northern Territory is considered crucial among the so-called "Five Eyes" intelligence partners — the US, UK, Australia, Canada and New Zealand — for its role in directing American spy satellites.
Analysts from the little-known spy agency Australian Geospatial-Intelligence Organisation would also be expected to play a part.
Canada would be unlikely to play a role in any military action in Iran, nor would the smallest Five Eyes security partner New Zealand, sources said.

Iran is a signatory to international agreements such as the Non-Proliferation Treaty and is not known to currently possess any weapons of mass destruction, but Mr Rouhani has recently boasted his nation's nuclear industry is advancing at a fast pace.
Last month Iran's nuclear chief opened a new nuclear enrichment facility that he said would comply with the nuclear deal Tehran signed with world powers in 2015.

Any US-led strike on Iranian targets would be fraught for a region bristling with tensions. Israel would have reason to be anxious about retaliation, given Iran rejects Israel's right to exist.
That said, Israel's Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu in April invoked the so-called "Begin Doctrine" that calls on the Jewish state to ensure nations hostile to Israel be prevented from developing a nuclear weapons capability.
"Israel will not allow regimes that seek our annihilation to acquire nuclear weapons," Mr Netanyahu said.

An Australian Government source said when it came to Iran, Australia relied on intelligence sourced from its Five Eyes partners, not Israel.

While some in the Turnbull Government firmly believe Mr Trump is prepared to use military force against Iran, others maintain it might be more bluster, given the consequence of conflict with Tehran might include unpredictable, dangerous responses in the Middle East.

Earlier this week, Mr Trump fired off an all-caps tweet directed at the Iranian President, seemingly warning of war.


He was responding to Mr Rouhani, who was quoted telling Iranian diplomats: "America should know that peace with Iran is the mother of all peace and war with Iran is the mother of all wars.
"Do not play with the lion's tail or else you will regret it," he said.

Mr Trump has since adjusted his rhetoric
, suggesting Washington is ready to go back to the negotiating table with Tehran for a new nuclear deal.
"I withdrew the United States from the horrible one-sided Iran nuclear deal, and Iran is not the same country anymore," he told a convention in Kansas City.
"We're ready to make a deal."

Grappling with whether Mr Trump's Twitter missives should be believed has become a global quest — and not just his tweets about Iran or North Korea.
In response to the US President's all-caps tweet on Monday, a high-ranking Iranian army official told the ISNA news agency, a Tehran Government mouthpiece, that Mr Trump's threats were merely "psychological warfare".
General Gholam Hossein Gheibparvar, the chief of the paramilitary Revolutionary Guard's volunteer Basij force, said Mr Trump "won't dare" take military action against Iran.
It was an assessment echoed by Iranian MP Heshmatollah Falahatpisheh, who told Associated Press he doubted the escalating rhetoric would lead to a military confrontation.

Australia Foreign Minister Julie Bishop has emphasised diplomatic efforts to bring Iran to heel.
"Australia is urging Iran to be a force for peace and stability in the region," she told ABC's AM program on Thursday.
"The relationship between the United States and Iran is a matter for them.
"What we are looking to do is to ensure that all parties embrace peaceful and stable principles to ensure that our region is safe."
Defence Industry Minister Christopher Pyne, when asked whether Mr Trump's threats against Iran should be believed, said: "Certainly President Trump has indicated that he's a person who's prepared to act in a way that previous presidents haven't.

US Secretary of Defence James Mattis reinforced America's hard line on Iran while speaking alongside Ms Bishop, Defence Minister Marise Payne and US Secretary of State Michael Pompeo at the AUSMIN meeting in San Francisco mid-week.
Mr Mattis said Iran had been a destabilising influence throughout the region.
"The only reason that the murderer Assad is still in power [in Syria] — the primary reason — is because Iran has stuck by him, reinforced him, funded him," he said.
"We see the same kind of malfeasance down in Yemen, where they're fomenting more violence down there. We've seen their disruptive capabilities demonstrated from Bahrain to the kingdom.
"It cannot continue to show irresponsibility as some revolutionary organisation that is intent on exporting terrorism, exporting disruption across the region. So I think the President was making very clear that they're on the wrong track."

The ABC understands AUSMIN (the main annual forum for consultations between Australia and the United State) discussed Iran, largely in the context of increasing sanctions on Tehran.
"We're concerned about its ballistic missile program and we talked about ways of constructively engaging with Iran to prevent the development of that program," Ms Bishop told AM.
"But more specifically, we talked about urging Iran to not support proxy groups, whether it's in Syria, Yemen or elsewhere."

Mr Trump withdrew the US from the Iran nuclear deal in May and now seeks complete, verifiable and total denuclearisation, rather than the roll-back and temporary freeze of Iran's nuclear program.

The US plans on reinstating sanctions lifted by the Iran deal by November 4. This includes trade and investment by US firms with Iran and sanctions on Iranian oil exports.

A major war with Iran (or any other country) would be Trump's way to shoot "Squirrell !",, to distract the medias and the american people from all what he doesn't want ot see in the news (Mueller, Putin, Stormy Daniels, Michael Cohen, Karen McDougal, etc.)

Also, Fox News would tell the war would be quick and easy, with 0 or very few victims on the US side. Pretty much exactly what they tolkd about the Iraq War, which saw 4,500 us us boys coming back in body bags. And Iran military capabilities are much greater than what Iraq had in 2003.

Maybe this australian whistleblower is wrong, maybe he's a fraud and I hope so but if his right, it would be, by far, Trumps worst move since he came in office.

Jack Davenport

I'm too lazy to set a usertitle.
“British intelligence agencies”
This is president Trump not that idiot George W. Bush. He won’t fall for the Brit’s bullshit again.

sean miguel

I'm too lazy to set a usertitle.
but we're supposed to take U.S. intelligence conclusions as gospel now but be extremely skeptical if not outright dismissive of them in past situations.

seriously, and I mean this with all honesty and with every fiber of my being - FUCK THE LEFT.

they seriously do suck.

they represent suck. Donkeys in Venezuela are becoming an endangered species because they're being slaughtered for food.

I cannot stress this enough: FUCK. THE. LEFT. they are misery.

they suck. I can't get around it, they just fucking SUCK.

they are antithetical to excellence. Look at Nancy Pelosi for fuck sake.

sean miguel

I'm too lazy to set a usertitle.
they are antithetical to excellence.

they themselves would even admit as much. Excelling while others do not means there is some inherent unfairness involved. Equal distribution of suck and misery except for the liberal elite of course.

can we just skip to it? and just have it out? there is no reconciling at this point.



Less than 2,000 posts away from my free Freeones T-shirt.
Paying for peace is all but finished and countries are shitting themselves over Trumps unpredictability. "These are good days we're livin Bro's" ;)


I'm too lazy to set a usertitle.
Nancy Pelosi :rofl2::rofl2::rofl2::rofl2::rofl2::rofl2:
Nancy Pelosi is not a leftist. She's center-right, at best.

Blue Countach said:
“British intelligence agencies”
This is president Trump not that idiot George W. Bush. He won’t fall for the Brit’s bullshit again.
Actually it was the Britts who felt for Colin Powell fake WMD proofs that were created by CIA as they were ordered too.

I kow a lot of Trumptards here like Tucker. Seems like the guys take very seriously the possibility for this administration to go to war with Iran. And he doesn't like it...

Jack Davenport

I'm too lazy to set a usertitle.
Nancy Pelosi :rofl2::rofl2::rofl2::rofl2::rofl2::rofl2:
Nancy Pelosi is not a leftist. She's center-right, at best.

Actually it was the Britts who felt for Colin Powell fake WMD proofs that were created by CIA as they were ordered too.

I kow a lot of Trumptards here like Tucker. Seems like the guys take very seriously the possibility for this administration to go to war with Iran. And he doesn't like it...

I can be wrong about historical events from time to time but wasn’t it generally understood that the Brits claiming that Iraq had stockpiles of yellow cake uranium the basis for Powell’s speech? I will have to go back and relive it I guess. But you are also saying that U.S. Intelligence is not infallible unless of course it is in regard to Russian cyber attacks.

sean miguel

I'm too lazy to set a usertitle.
I can be wrong about historical events from time to time but wasn’t it generally understood that the Brits claiming that Iraq had stockpiles of yellow cake uranium the basis for Powell’s speech? I will have to go back and relive it I guess. But you are also saying that U.S. Intelligence is not infallible unless of course it is in regard to Russian cyber attacks.

they have no credibility.

Still waiting for members of the Trump administration to be summarily perp-walked.

in progress.



Staff member
Nancy Pelosi :rofl2::rofl2::rofl2::rofl2::rofl2::rofl2:
Nancy Pelosi is not a leftist. She's center-right, at best.
Nancy is hardly center right but a typical leftist because she wants ICE banned, she likes illegals and doesn't consider MS13 gang members as criminals and anyone who is liberal/democrat is hardly from the right wing

sean miguel

I'm too lazy to set a usertitle.
Nancy Pelosi :rofl2::rofl2::rofl2::rofl2::rofl2::rofl2:
Nancy Pelosi is not a leftist. She's center-right, at best.

hey, "MORON," didn't you lecture us on the nuance of the poltical spectrum of european poltics? As much as Pelosi belongs with you pussies, she's an American politician, so our left/right scale will do.

fuck off.


I'm too lazy to set a usertitle.
Nancy is hardly center right but a typical leftist because she wants ICE banned, she likes illegals and doesn't consider MS13 gang members as criminals and anyone who is liberal/democrat is hardly from the right wing
She's the kind of politicians who likes to say that she's pro-Single Payer HealthCare, pro dreamers, pro free college but when comes the time to act, to defend her positions, she surrenders. She's a wolf in sheeps clothing, a fake progressive, a Democrat In Name Only.
At least Dianne Feinstein doesn't even try to make us think she's on our side...

Colton Cloud said:
so our left/right scale will do
There's no American scale, no European scale, no Chine Scale, no Latin American scale, etc. There's just one scale. And judging on their positions, the pro-estab:lishment wing of the democratic party is Center-Right

sean miguel

I'm too lazy to set a usertitle.
There's no American scale, no European scale, no Chine Scale, no Latin American scale, etc. There's just one scale. And judging on their positions, the pro-estab:lishment wing of the democratic party is Center-Right

Sure there is, and if I'm not mistaken, you yourself have pointed that out elsewhere - a center-right politician in France would be considered a left-wing loon in the U.S. Are you saying there's an absolute definition based on policy? And determined by who? You?

Concrete Cock

I Ate Your Baby

Thanks for posting that. Iran is not a direct threat to the American Homeland and war with Iran does not benefit America. The Israelis and Saudis have a beef with Iran so let them send and risk their own kids' lives in any war they choose to have with Iran.


I'm too lazy to set a usertitle.
Exactly, a center-right politician in France (or UK, Germany, Italy, Spain, etc.) would be considered a left wing loon in the US. But that doesn't mean he is a left wing loon.
What it means is that the american perception of Right and Left is based (I would even say it's fucked up).

Actually, McCarthysm has almost eliminated leftism from the US. Because of that, instead if having a Right vs Left opposition like in every other western civilised countries, the opposition in America is between Center-Right and Far-Right (although the GOP used to be Right, not Far Right but has then shifted because of the growing influence of the Tea Party, the evangelicals and because of Trump).

Anyway, this is not the issue here. The issue is that around Trump, some warmonger are trying to convaincre him to go to war with Iran. And he lay listen to them, thinking that such a war would be a perfect distraction from all thé cintroversies he's facing
And having that war right before the midterms might be what he need for the GOP not to lose control of Congress